I have had unforgettable last nine months. Everything started already last February and since I have been following amazed the new growing life. I have felt changes in my body, seen growing tummy, felt first the small slights movements, later the strenght of turning and twisting and huge hick-ups. For a while it really felt like I was carrying a child of a real miner - it felt like he was trying to dick his way out of my tummy just straight through the skin. I haven't been having morning sickness, not hearth burning or any enourmously disturbing other symptoms. Instead I have really enjoyed my pregnancy. I didn't get tired to my tummy at all - I just could't stop thinking how amazing it was!
Our child was made under the Northern Lights, just after a polar night was over. He grew up in my tummy during the midnight sun, while we were enjoying a half a year day-around light. He was following us on our scooter tours, in the small tours on the mountains, travelling with us in the Nordic countries where we spend our holidays. It was an easy pregnancy and it was perfectly fine with my work in Svea.
We were planning to have couple of nice weeks after my work was over before we got our new family member. Our Mørketidsbarn didn't want to wait that long, he was ready to breath his own lungs. We got an ambulance flight to Tromsø one night, at a night with Northern Lights. Suddenly he was here - without that we got unpatient with waiting for it.
Now, next months, we'll be enjoying the quietness of a dark time we're having in Longyearbyen. Life will be much around that new small creature. And that just fine - a polar night is quite a perfect time to get a child. When the sun is getting back, our son has also got bigger and then we can go together out and greet the sun back.