Tuesday 7 January 2014

New clothes to Emperor

Our son has managed to gain about two kilos in two months time. Mother's milk is powerfull stuff! I can clearly see how much he has grown - he's getting bigger and he's learning new things. It's just amazing how quickly time goes.
Last weekend I needed go through his clothes and pack away clothes which were getting too small for him. It was kind of sad to pack them on a cardboard box. There were lot of memories in those first small clothes. But in the same time it was nice to take new clothes on use. He has got lot of practical and beautiful clothes. Those clothes are already having memories in them - they remind me on those people we have got them from. As a mummy I'm really happy for all soft presents. And our son is far too small to understand that toys are something every child is hoping for. That age comes later!


  1. Kiva seurata blogiasi! Näin se elämä menee eteenpäin vauhdilla. Kohta on edessä päiväkoti, eskari, koulu. Miten nämä hommat siellä järjestyy?

    1. Elämä etenee hurjaa vauhtia! Ihmiset jo kyselee meijän päiväkotisuunnitelmista... Täällä on kolme päiväkotia ja tietenki eskari ja koulu. Koulutuksen voi saaha ihan lukio tai ammatilliselle tasolle asti.
