Sunday 26 June 2011


It was time to celebrate the summer solstice. The sun has reached now it's highest position but summer is still just in half way. Traditionally midsummer was celebrated with a bonfire and barbecue on the beach.

In mainland swimming is also included in a Midsummer celebration, but swimming here in the fjord where temperature isn't much above zero Celcius degrees isn't that tempting - at least not for me, but our fourpawed isn't agreeing that. Our dog is really eager to swim and if I can let him to run little bit after swimming he doesn't seem to be bothered of coldness at all. It's bigger problem to get him out of water! But a wet dog running and shaking his wet fur can't be that popular when there is lot of people around, so for both of us a solution against the shivering was to go home and have a warm shower.

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