Wednesday 11 April 2012

Easter under the blue sky

Little bit over five days in a cabin with blue sky, almost windless weather and pleasant temperature. What else you could be asking for an Easter celebration?

Our cabin we got on use was situated really nicely by it's own. 
It was easy to take some short walks around the cabin.
One of the best things on a cabin trip is late mornings with sunbathing - though inside a sleeping bag.
It's not getting anymore dark at night times. We had a perfect view from our cabin over the fjords. 
As you can see we weren't only ones who took a trip to the east coast.
Magnificent Hayesbreen. I think I'll never stop to admire those huge masses of ice.
A huge ice cave in a moraine of Rabotbreen.
Eskerfossen, a frozen water fall.
We had also good access for down hill skiing. From here it's about 7,5 km slope towards to a fjord. Not too bad to be skiing with this kind of view. We were using a snow mobile as a ski lift and because of that our dog needed to learn a new skill: to be sitting on the seat of the scooter. That was working just fine when he found out that actually it's pretty all right to be sitting on a scooter.
Usually we're transporting our dog with longer distances in a transport box on the sledge. I think that's safest for the dog.


  1. Kiva juttu!
    Onko tuossa luolakuvassa viulunsoittaja katoksessa?
    Terveisin Ahti

  2. Viulunsoittaja ois kyllä ollu tyylikäs, mutta kuvassa taitaa olla aivan tavallinen kameranarkomaani. Mutta luolassa oli kyllä musiikkia: Jostain luolan alta tai sivuilta kuului suurten vesimassojen kohina. Siinä tuntui olevan sellainen voima, ettei halunnut ees ajatella miten kävis jos ne pääsis valloilleen!

  3. Kameranarkomaani osaa ottaa kyllä hienoja kuvia: Tuo koirakuva on aivan mahtava!

  4. Kuulostaa ihan mahtipääsiäiseltä! Mutta tuo luola... Oikeastaan pelottava, vai oliko? :)

  5. Joo, vähän on pelottavia noi jääluolat, mutta toisaalta niin mahtavia ettei niistä malta olla poissa!

    Koira on se miun karvasempi kulta, mutta se ei taija olla vaikeeta arvata, sen verran usein hän esiintyy kuvissa :)
