Friday 2 December 2011

November is over

We were getting almost every kind of weather in November. We got rainy days with some plus degrees in Celcius. Everything was slippery and that with high wind caused some cancellations on the airplane traffic. Some people got a creepy experience when SAS-flight ended up crosswise on the airstrip after landing. But we had also really nice days with temperature around -20 degrees Celcius. On those kind of beautiful days it's still possible to see a shimmer of the sun over Sukkertoppen and behind the glaciers.

We have already a good amount of snow. Some people have started their scooters and every time I hear a sound of a scooter my fingers start to itch. But we're waiting still a bit before we start our scooters.

This year advent was really early, already in the end of November. Suddenly we got a Christmas feeling over the town. It's really nice to be walking on the main road and to see all Christmas stars and other kind of lights on the windows. It's always nice to get some light on the darkness.

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