Saturday 4 December 2010

Our new Culture House is opened

Now our new Culture House is officially opened. Couple of weeks ago, before official opening, we had there a theatrical performance "The Experiment". It was a story about a human experience. A special thing was that all story was by nonsensical Russian, made-up language which sounded like Russian. Even though I didn't understand the language I was feeling that I followed the story all the time. Storyline was actually pretty tragic but you just couldn't help laughing. And then you were feeling guilty that you were laughing when people in the story was actually having a horrible experience. The performance was just so cool!

I wasn't in the official opening ceremony, but what I have been waiting for most, was a concert by Vamp, a famous Norwegian band. Vamp is playing kind of folk music, nicely spiced with rock. The concert was just brilliant! It's really nice, that we get those kind of things also up here :)

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