Thursday 10 February 2011

Mission impossible: Warm toes?

My Mukluks have arrived!!! They are tested in our normal walking trips and approved to keep their promises, at least as a first impression. Yesterday we had a little bit longer than two hours trip in -28 Celcius degrees and my toes were never cold during that trip. Temperature for todays trip was partly lower than -30 degrees and I was still having warm toes. It felt almost unreal... And shoes are just so incredible soft and light-weighted to walk with, compared with my old good Sorels. I'm totally impressed!

Now I have been wearing those thin alpaca socks I bought earlier and one pair of thick slightly felted woollen socks. Instead of the original woollen inner soles I took on use inner soles made of reindeer. I just got ready my new socks, made of alpaca-wool mix. With that combination I'm hoping to survive over our best outdoor season with less pain than what I'm normally having. I just wonder if I should also felt slightly my new socks. Then they would be little bit firmer but also more durable, I hope. The best side of wool isn't its durability, unfortunately.


  1. And...what were the results?!? :)

  2. The best shoes I have had. The only shoes I manage to keep my toes warm. I have used them now since 2011 here in Svalbard.
