Monday 24 January 2011

Dragging myself up...

I have totally given up for trying to wake up refreshed on the mornings. I have tried again to have full power on my wake-up light, but results have been kind of variable. Some of the mornings I have been waking up some hours before I should have and then I just haven't been even able to think about to wake up with "refreshing light" - so I have turned it low that I don't need to wake up for it. I have prefer dragged myself to kitchen and tried to get refreshed there with a good cup of tea. Very practical...

That is just a normal situation for me whenever; I can't honestly say it's because of the dark time. I have kind of accepted I'm not anyhow an early bird. And as our society is made for mostly for them, I'll be struggling with that. So, I'm not bothering to get worried about that :)

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